This site is managed by a group of researchers from theUniversity of Messina who are involved in research, diagnosis, genetics and therapy of Trimethylaminuria (TMAU).

Our team consists of:

  • Prof.ssa Antonina SIDOTI, associate professor of Biology and Genetics (BIO/13) and head of the “Molecular Genetics” laboratory at the University of Messina, deputy scientific director of the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) of Palermo, and director of the Department of “Biomolecular strategies, genetics and cutting-edge therapies”;
  • Dr. Rosalia D’ANGELOresearcher at the “Molecular Genetics” laboratory of the University of Messina;
  • Dr. Carmela RINALDI, researcher at the “Molecular Genetics” laboratory of the University of Messina;
  • Dr. Luigi DONATO, researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) in Palermo, biologist and PhD in “Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine”; currently specializing in “Medical Genetics”.
  • Dr. Concetta SCIMONE, researcher at the Euro-Mediterranean Institute of Science and Technology (IEMEST) in Palermo, biotechnologist and PhD in “Cell Biology and Biotechnology”, as well as a currently specializing in “Medical Genetics”.
  • Dr. Simona ALIBRANDI, PhD Student in “Applied Biology and Experimental Medicine”
  • Prof. Herbert Ryan MARINI, Aggregate Professor of Applied Dietetic Technical Sciences, SSD MED / 49, SC 06 / D2 – Endocrinology, Nephrology and Nutrition and Wellness Sciences, of the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, at the University of of Messina, and Equivalent Medical Director, UOC of Internal Medicine, DAI of Medical Sciences, AOU Policlinico “G. Martino “, Messina.
  • Prof. Salvatore SETTINERI, associate professor of Clinical Psychology in the BIOMORF Department of the University of Messina.
  • Prof.ssa Maria Rosaria Anna MUSCATELLO, at the Clinical Psychology Unit of the Department of Biomedical, Dental and Morphological and Functional Imaging Sciences of the University of Messina, U.O.C of Psychiatry, A.O.U of G. Martino, Messina.